Q: Why is it called “Plumb”

A: Since the product is all about correct alignment we looked into some tools and terms a craftsman may use to keep everything aligned.  One tool that is used is a Plumb Bob.

Q: What Operating Systems does Plumb support?

A: It has been tested and confirmed to work on the following operating systems:

  1. Windows XP
  2. Windows 2000
  3. Windows Vista
  4. Windows 7

Q: What other system requirements does Plumb have?

A: Plumb requires (and will automatically download and install) Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5.

Q: What shortcut keys are there and what do they do?

A: The following shortcuts are set by default:

First there are the “Alt Shortcuts,” generally these keys resize and move the topmost window around the screen base on the layout of the numpad.

  • Alt-1: Move/Resize the active window to the bottom left quarter of the screen.
  • Alt-2: Move/Resize the active window to the bottom half of the screen.
  • Alt-3: Move/Resize the active window to the bottom right quarter of the screen.
  • Alt-4: Move/Resize the active window to the  left half of the screen.
  • Alt-5: Move/Maximize the current window.
  • Alt-6: Move/Resize the active window to the right half of the screen.
  • Alt-7: Move/Resize the active window to the top left quarter of the screen.
  • Alt-8: Move/Resize the active window to the top half of the screen.
  • Alt-9: Move/Resize the active window to the top right quarter of the screen.
  • Alt-0: Undo the previous action.

Next there are the “Ctrl-Alt Shortcuts” generally these resize multiple windows simultaneously. Sometimes we refer to this as “NumArranging.” If you have less windows open than the number you press the screen will be divided and windows will be assigned to each section until you run out. For example, if you have 2 windows open and press Ctrl-Alt-4 the two windows will be moved to the top left and top right corners, while the bottom left and bottom right will remain empty.

  • Ctrl-Alt-2: Take the top 2 windows and tile them, assigning each to one half of the screen.
  • Ctrl-Alt-4: Take the top 4 windows and tile them, assigning each to one quarter of the screen.
  • Ctrl-Alt-6: Take the top 6 windows and tile them, assigning each to one six of the screen.
  • Ctrl-Alt-8: Take the top 8 windows and tile them, assigning each to one eighth of the screen.
  • Ctrl-Alt-9: Take the top 9 windows and tiles them, assigning each to one ninth of the screen.

Q: Can I customize the shortcut keys? Or add new ones?

A: Currently there isn’t an easy way to customize the shortcut keys. However if you are brave enough to venture into the XML, (and smart enough to find it, hint::%appdata%\Palatial Software\Plumb\Settings.xml) you just may be able to customize some of the keys and functionality. Remember to backup your old config. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. If you still insist on breaking it, you can always reset to the defaults by going into the settings, clicking on the Advanced tab, and clicking “Reset Settings to Default.” This will clear all of your customizations (good or bad) so be careful.

Q:  I resized some of my windows and now I can’t get them to split evenly. (50/50) Is there an easy way to fix this?

A: Of course! Right click on the tray icon and click “Reset Runtime Data.” This simulates closing and re-opening the application and restores the basic presets.

Q:  Do I need to keep the Plumb preferences window open all the time?

A: No, that wouldn’t make any sense. Minimize it. Actually minimize it to the tray (down by the clock). Under the general tab, click “Minimize to Tray” to set this as the default action. You also may want to check “Start Minimized.” That way once you set your preferences you don’t have to worry about it in the future.